By Cpm - 01/12/2009 01:55 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend decided we are ready for the next step in our relationship. Apparently that next step is her taking a dump with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 505
You deserved it 5 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This can't be true. Everybody knows that girls don't poop. :P

You should sit on her lap and drop one between her legs. After that she will always close the door and lock it.


hey man thats not so bad. at least your getting laid. haha.

avarik 0
MimE_fml 0

it gets worse as the years go by lol

Scorch117 0

Gotta set some standards, OP. (post #117 and screenname 117.) :)

It's shit. Everyone does it. I fear for your children (whenever you decide to have any). What are you going to do when you have to wipe their ass? Use a power washer & blast the shit off? Grow some ballz OP lol

ilovenoah 0
signuplogin 1

You know what's funny about this ...... I read this same FML a month ago but girlfriend was boyfriend

JRokka850 6

Stop being a pussy if you love her than who cares...her shit comes with her

Trust. Takes years to earn, seconds to regret.