By Anonymous - 14/06/2013 21:21 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my girlfriend got into bed with me and started fooling around. I had a terrible migraine, which she knew, so I asked her to stop because it wasn't helping. She then yelled at me for being "ungrateful" and "selfish", and accused me of secretly being gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 426
You deserved it 7 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because you had a migraine she accused you of all of those terms? Good gravy.

GemmaStyles 14

If anything, she's the selfish one.


Literally almost every comment is either about how sex/orgasms help headaches/migraines or how it's ironic that women use the headache excuse without problem but men can't.

I hope you broke up with her. She is so selfish.