By Anonymous - 13/07/2013 21:39 - United States - Salinas

Today, my girlfriend of over four years cheated on me in revenge for me abandoning our date last night. I'm a surgeon on call at the local hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 828
You deserved it 4 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd cry. What a bitch. She'll regret it when she never finds better.

It's probably best you two split off, OP, unless you two want to try to work things out. Just saying that no one deserves such bad treatment like that. Sorry for what happened!


As a fellow doctor who has been cheated on by his last two girlfriends, I feel you. BUT the fact that she cheated might be a sign that you are too work obsessed, and need to spend more time on your relationships. I know I do. Still, I feel for you and won't YDI

That's ****** up. I'd never cheat for revenge. I'd never cheat ever.

SCTetra 10

Feel sorry for you man. At least you know what she is. Only thing to maybe justify it though is if you ignore her.

Dusty_Busters 15
kaduzy 12

A surgeon, huh? Dump that trick and move up. I can give you my number. ;-)

I'd dump that bitch in a heartbeat. if she cheated over something so simple as THAT, she's probably done it many times before.

I know the feeling, my boyfriend of three years broke up with me a few weeks ago because I was always busy with work. I'm an attorney I guess it comes with the territory with high demanding professions. But trust me when I tell you she'll regret it.

I know the feeling, my boyfriend of three years broke up with me a few weeks ago because I was always busy with work (I'm an Attorney) I guess it comes with the territory within high demanding professions. Trust me though she'll regret it!!! Good Luck, it will get better trust me!

dang im sorry. leave her op ur better of w/o.her