By FFFFF- - 02/03/2011 17:12 - Singapore

Today, my girlfriend's best friend told me she was in hospital after having made a suicide attempt. In shock, I had a panic attack and ended up in the hospital myself. Turns out it was all a lie to see whether or not I was committed to the relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 087
You deserved it 5 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

have some one call her and tell her you're dead see how that goes


mandi625 0

Aww, you're such a caring boyfriend. x] <3

at least she knows she you react well in tragic situations...

Skullcrusher 5

How could that cause a panic attack? You're weak!

brighteyes81 0

Why don't you google it smart guy.

Wowww..... Why.... Whaaaa.... Why would she do tht..... The risk....... I would kill her.....

sparta98 4

I hate how the world works. There are great guys out there that just keep getting shat on when they truly deserve a girl that at least cares. The girls that care end up with the abusive assholes. I hope you can be an exception, OP.

tparis90120 0

only ******* get heart attacks

PincheLeti 0

Haa i did that once to my ex now and he would have a panic attack oh well he deserved it

damn... you should get someone o do the same to you. but you send a picture of you looking seriously hurt. see how she likes it. then she'll probably get mad and leave you