By oh shit - 06/07/2014 19:28 - United States - Palatine

Today, my girlfriend was feeling down because she has put on some weight. I tried to make her feel better by showing her I can still pick her up. I can, and I was even able to hide the fact that I shat myself doing it. I'm so romantic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 746
You deserved it 8 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This right here is proof that chivalry is not dead

mansfield_j 27

Hey atleast you made her feel better, sucks you crapped yourself but it's all well worth it to keep your girl happy in my book.


It's the thought that counts. That was really cool of u.

dccomics94 12

Good job man. Way to make her feel better even at a hefty cost to your pants.

skittyskatbrat 19

wow. The world needs more gentlemen like you :) It was a rotten ending for your underwear, but if you stick together, it'll make a great story twenty years down the line!

How sweet! You sound like a good boyfriend still.

Sounds like you yourself lost a shitload of weight.

you sir, are a real gentleman and a keeper!!!

As long as she didn't find out, you guys are a-ok