By fuckerman - 03/05/2009 03:47 - Canada

Today, my grandpa told me he can still get aroused even though he is 84. Im 32 and have erectile dysfunction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 601
You deserved it 4 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably have erectile dysfunction because you talk about sex with your 84-year-old grandpa.

Erectile dysfunction is something that can affect men of all ages... although the irony must sting. They're doing some great things these days in terms of medication. The more pressing issue here, I believe, is how to get the image of sweet ol' grandpa with a boner out of your head.


NoBounceNoPlay 0

Well, of course; haven't you seen Lemon Party?

wow_fmylife 0

agree with number 2! made me Lawled (;

resawins 0

ironic much??!!!! damn that sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to a doctor. Could be heart problems.

CPTobvious_fml 0

You talk about boners with your grandfather? A bit weird man maybe that's why you have erectile dysfunction....

dudeitsdanny 9
jen_kay 0
marlux 0

awww no that is so bad, i cant laugh

why was he telling you this in the first place?