By pregz - 27/02/2015 22:23 - United States

Today, my hiccups got so intense that I threw up in the middle of class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 404
You deserved it 2 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that. I hope everyone understood and was nice about it


At least you don't have hiccups anymore.

When I have hiccups, they last so long that my throat starts to hurt. :/

That's very bad, I hope you get better soon. But what's even worse is that FML is moderated by a gang of illiterate monkeys. :-(

I really good tip I figured out while trying to poop with hiccups: breathe in until you can't breathe in anymore air and hold it for a few seconds. Got rid of my hiccups immediately

I had the hiccups while reading this... Now I'm really nervous. FYL OP.

bsums203 13

Did you at least get to go home?

Based on your username, I think the throwing up might be from a different source than hiccups. :O Still, FYL.