By doblex - 20/12/2012 11:19 - United States

Today, my house was broken into. The cop that came turned out to be a guy I fought over a girl with in high school. He sneered and said that everything appeared to be in order, and that I probably ransacked my own house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 380
You deserved it 9 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When things get personal, cops are the biggest assholes, just because they have the power to be. Better report that dude.


FYLDeep 25

I guess all you can do is file a complaint with the police department.

Call up the station and request a supervisor. He doesn't get to make those decisions.

melacortez 11

What happened to his oath to "protect and to serve" ? Something tells me the baton hanging on his belt is over compensating for his "lackings"

Leave the man alone. Little did you know that his lunch was ruined too. He couldn't even get a liter of cola and someone spit in his burger.. You were just the icing on the cake

"It's French for, 'give me a ******* Cola!'"

OP's house was broken into, it's not like he called the cops just to chat. And cops don't go into the job because they want sympathy, his duties are far more important than his mood.

You're.. For the love of God and all things beautiful, it's YOU'RE!

perdix 29

You need to suck it up or move. Sure, you could rat him out to his boss and get him disciplined, but he's got a badge, a gun, and even worse, a ticket book. If he can't find a pretext to kill you, beat you or imprison you, he can drain your bank account by writing you up for every ticky-tack violation.

crazytwinsmom 25

True. Similar reason I didn't report an older cop that hugged and hit on me when investigating a break in when I was 19. It's their word against yours too. They will deny it.

That's called being a dirty cop. I find the lack of discipline amongst the law disgusting yet I highly doubt the cop of this anecdote would waste time doing such a thing to this man. It seems innate to me. Yet in a way I'm just spouting nonsense to leave a reply on Perdix's comment. Fufufu!

shan88 14

He doesn't need to suck it up!!! Just because they had an argument in highschool doesn't mean the cop gets out of doing his job, and if the cop decides to get nasty for being reported then OP can keep reporting him for harassment. He'll either give up or lose his badge.

perdix 29

#40, that's right, he has the other option of moving away. If the cop has such a blatant disregard of duty and justice in this instance, I can see a prolonged battle ending up very ugly for the OP. We all want justice, but in some cases, it won't be served and the best we can do is relocate.

shan88 14

45. Yes I saw the other option but I also believe he doesn't need to move away. Why should he pick up his life and move because this cop has a problem with him from a high school fight. Again if he continues to harass OP then he can report him and he would lose his badge. I truly believe saying suck it up or move is ridiculous, a cop is supposed to "protect and serve" no matter who it is.

The ****?! No. People's view of the law has become so twisted. They are here to "serve and protect." Know right away, some asshole cop does that shit, his ass is being reported. And if he has a history of being a dick, his ass is either losing his job or being moved to a department where he has no interaction with civvies.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say perdix was being sarcastic, but I don't know.

Thejackel79 9

Hey guys, I think OP should report him, I don't know it just seems like the right thing to do and no one here has told him to.

crazytwinsmom 25
peachesncreem 21

I think 18 was being sarcastic :)

crazytwinsmom 25

Yep, thanks, my sarcasm radar wasn't awake yet, sorry.

Thejackel79 9

Should have asked him to call for back up. Cops rarely work alone. And usually more than one cop in the area response to a call.

Stop, you know nothing of what you're talking about.

TheDrifter 23

Around here they rarely even show up in person for a break in that's not in progress, they just ask you to bring am inventory to the nearest precinct.

KVKdragon 26

Cops are supposed to be more civil than this. Report that guy so he knows better than to abuse his power for personal gain/satisfaction

This is even illegal, so OP has a great case.