By Ignorant - 07/10/2017 06:00

Today, my husband and I had a HUGE fight, but we had amazing make up sex so I figured it was over. When I woke up, I realized my mistake. I was tied to the four bed posts completely naked and a sign was taped on the ceiling. "Repairman coming in an hour. Gave him a key. Have all your clothes. Have fun." FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 977
You deserved it 889

Same thing different taste

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Leviathene 34

Regardless of his reasoning for this act, this is still abuse. He has left you at the mercy of a complete stranger while naked and completely unable to defend yourself. You need to seek therapy with your husband (or file for divorce), because this is not acceptable behavior from someone you are supposed to trust. I don't know the details that led to you being tied up, you may have given him your consent to tie you up during sex, but remember; you have the right to refuse AT ANY TIME, even mid-way through sex. This was highly irresponsible of him to do, because as another person has already said, you could have been raped or murdered.

You need to change the locks and file for divorce immediately. If that how he handles arguments, he's capable of much worse. Get out now.


Your husband is an asshole. And he clearly crossed a line of dignity for you and him

Hopefully the repairman was at least a decent enough person to untie you without any ulterior motives...

I registered with an account (which I haven't done in five+years of being on this site) just to tell you that this is abuse . This is sexual abuse (even if he didnt do anything to you while you were sleeping), tying someone up and removing their clothes without their permission and leaving them in a vulnerable state where they can't defend themselves or cover up is a form of sexual abuse. Especially with a stranger coming into your home, even if hes a professional, leaving you in that state could leave you victimized by someone else or worse. I know couples who practice 24/7 BDSM into super kinky stuff that still would never think this is okay, myself included. Please leave him. I repeat: this is not okay, this is not humorous. I'ts one thing to joke about it, but to do this as a result of an argument...just nope. Really hoping this is a troll post for likes.

This is abuse. If it happened. I don't think it did. She didn't realize she was tied to the bed until she woke up. There just HAPPENED to be a repairman coming in the morning. And she had no place she had to be or nothing she had to do to risk spending the day like that if the repairman didn't rescue her? I actually know of a guy who did do this years ago. No repairman. No getting even. Straight up abuse. She divorced him ASAP.

Man, that could have been REALLY DANGEROUS. If you were naked AND tied up, how could you possibly react to some random guy coming over and defend yourself?!! Furthermore, even if you had done that, you wouldn't´t have any of your clothes... that kinda shows how he doesn´t care about you (in my opinion) - time to think what are you willing to do to make that relationship last, and how far are you willing to go. If it were me, I would have already filled for divorce, though... Please tell us the outcome of that situation, OP. Did you manage to get out unscathered?

I would love to know what the repairman's reaction was to all of this...

Your husband is a child to say the least. I hope you're okay and that the repairman was decent enough to call for help and not make matters worse. That's not a healthy way to deal with a fight at all. Restraining you like that and leaving the house is dangerous and borderline illegal. What if you needed to get out because of a fire or an emergency and you can't? He wouldn't be laughing then would he? BDSM doesn't work like this...there's consent and safety.

Im pretty sure that's sexual assault and unlawful imprisonment. You can have him arrested. I hope the repairman isn't really coming over. I have a way you can get back at your husband though. If you know some cop have them "arrest" him and rough him up

Would be funny if there never was a repair man coming, just a note to wind you up as your man has a coffee downstairs. Pretty f*cked up of him though if it was real. Divorce & press charges if it was real, plot revenge if it was a prank!

Uh, no, that would still be mental and emotional abuse, as well as sexual assault and unlawful imprisonment. It would just make the husband an absolute idiot with no comprehension of human emotions instead of an abusive asshole that needs to be a head shorter.