By Tree - 30/07/2010 11:34 - France

Today, my husband told me "The only reason I stay with you is because it's cheaper than paying child support." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 083
You deserved it 5 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not leave him and get child support anyway

Fuckme19 0


Unstoppable15 0
MoJoThundRpants 0

Should have seen this coming before you got kids... compare to the FML below...

many of us guys feel the same way. you bitches get everything and we get to pay for it. been down that road. so enjoy your marriage you bitch he is probably cheating on your ass anyways.

Elenachka 0

late, but just noticed this one. it's not OP's fault you married or got with a woman that couldn't/wouldn't take care of herself and/or used you. I mean I agree, I can't stand women that use men (i don't understand how material things can be that fulfilling at all, let alone fill the void of marrying someone you don't love) but don't take that out on ALL "you women." some of us actually ARE successful and self-sufficient, and refuse to let a man take on more than his fair share of the financial responsibility. believe it or not, some of "us women" are even the major breadwinner these days, ya know ;)

dylan211996 0

leave the guy and go for child support!

apefaceddog 0

Wait, I don't get it. You have an opportunity to save your husband money and make him sandwiches at the same time, and this gets posted on FML? FML stands for "**** My Life," which means you should be posting stuff that's actually bad on here.

He thinks he's unhappy now? Let him find out what it's like when you're *trying* to make him miserable. Oh, and make him wear a condom from now on.