By John - 21/10/2014 00:29 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my little sister decided it would be funny to hide in the washroom closet while I was taking a piss. I wasn't pissing, I was wanking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 433
You deserved it 14 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god, hope she looked away when you finished. FYL

More like FML for your sister. You did the right thing going private.


eyeless_crap 3

Not your fault, no body should have to check if someone is hiding in the bathoom before you do your business, its your sisters fault for hiding there. props to you for being sanitary

nikmiester 7

You sure as hell are gonna check the closet next time.

Awkward! I hope she isn't to scarred!

Remind me to never do that to my brother.

That's why I always check everything in case my brother could be hiding in there.

Follow up please. How old was she and you? Will she have serious problems in the future? Did she actually see you? Did you finish?

Wanking? Never heard of that one but really FML