By Sarah - 26/01/2013 05:14 - United States

Today, my mom barged into my room at three in the morning, demanding to know where I'd been. I'd been in my room sleeping since ten o'clock. In that time she had called the police, all of my friends, and my ex-boyfriend, asking if I was with them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 281
You deserved it 2 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yoursucklives 36

wouldn't your room be the first place to look?

did you have Harry potter's invisible cloak over you?


Wow, your mother is odd. How did she not think to look in your bedroom??

Happens. Just like looking all over for your phone/keys while they're in your hand, only on a bigger scale.

Your mon to the cops: "yeah so she was actually in her room the whole time... You can go away now."

Yeah mon, she was just In her room. Every little thing, is gunna be alright.

At least she cares about you. She should probably have checked your room first, but at least she meant well.

Maybe she had an incredibly vivid dream that you were sleepwalking blindly through a field of bullets and flames stopping every three steps to ask a zombie for more cocaine.

simply_elle13 5

maybe she didnt check your room because it was too obvious? like when you cant find something in the fridge you look everywhere then you realize its right in front of your nose.

My parents used to do that all the time, they'd have a total freak out, and call the police and everyone they knew, only for mum to remember 2 hours later that I was at netball.

You and your friends robbed a bank. Your ex was the ringleader. You outsmarted the police and would have got away, but then it turned into a nightmare.

perdix 29

Do you often hang out with the police? Are you some kind of Junior Narc? Looks like she wants you to get back with your ex-boyfriend. Is going to bed at 10 pm on a Friday night normal for you? Sounds kinda loserish.

I'm not sure if the time you fall asleep can dictate your social status...

I can see the reason why you could be with your friends... Or with the police... But your ex? No way! ;-)