By alexbobalex - 11/01/2010 07:23 - Aland Islands

Today, my mom found a pack of cigarettes in my pocket. She hates smoking, so she tore every single cigarette to pieces, then emptied a bag of kitty litter on them. On my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 916
You deserved it 57 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, hoover your damn bed and stop smoking.

Marijuana causes just as many respiratory problems. The whole, "Pot is better for you than cigarrettes," is an old wives tale. The only reason the stats are lower is because some people ingest it without smoking it. Fact is, it's still a mind altering substance that can cause problems. It does have some good medical applications, but that's of course for the people who aren't just abusing it. Smoking anything is bad for you. Period. That's why medical marijuana dispensaries offer a lot of edible alternatives.


Oh that's awful. Now you'll have to find another way to give yourself cancer

Fminetoo 0

im sure that the OP could pick one of your favorite habits or hobbys that is harmful to your health, then it would be ok right? Just because you do it, and its *not* smoking, its ok by society, even if its just as detrimental to your health.

Flabwagger 0

She doesn't hate smoking. She hates YOU!

Sort of fair enough, but on your bed?? And depends how old you are tbh..

hiimme 0

um how the hell did we get from ciggarets to Mary-Jane

bdrodd 0

thats what you get for smoking

wat123 0

Your mom has no right destroying your cigarettes. It's none of her business what you do and now that's about five dollars wasted. I hope she plans on reimbursing you. This is all assuming that you're at least sixteen or seventeen. If your younger, than smoking probably isn't the best idea anyway. Regardless, the kitty litter was a bit too much.

It is her business if she's living in her house. Her house, her rules. If she doesn't like it, then she should move out or quit complaining.

ew. no offence but smoking is really for u so she kinda helped u ;).

Dubface 0

Obviously if she found them in your pockets and your bed is in her house then you're living under her roof and she can do whatever the hell she wants. Be happy your mother cares for your health. If i found my kid smoking I'd probably do worse.