By asdf - 02/02/2009 18:07 - United States

Today, my mom slept all day. But when she got out of bed for five minutes, she told me I was a worthless piece of shit. Then she went back to bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 305
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guiseppi 0

Since when does my mother have other children?

story of my life, my mom does that same shit everyday


story of my life, my mom does that same shit everyday

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Emily9352 13

Are you joking? I'm recovering from severe depression at the moment but I never went around calling people worthless pieces of shit. Even if she's depressed, that doesn't make it right.

#19, Did you really have to make that comment so long?

Guiseppi 0

Since when does my mother have other children?

truthfully i think Ive done that before...heh heh...

Burdie22 0

Wow! Shes a worthless piece of shit! Does she look at herself?

Troyboy300 0