By virginmary - 06/12/2009 08:07 - United States

Today, my mom told me that I am going to end up getting myself pregnant. I am 21 and a virgin. She continued to yell at me and call me a liar all night. I don't know which is worse, being a 21 year old virgin or my mother accusing me of lying about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 551
You deserved it 3 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'm a 23 year old virgin. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. :)

there's nothing wrong with being a virgin, seriously. you'll be glad you kept it when you meet the special one for you(:


Mulada 0

Oh come on! 21 isn't old at all! Nothing wrong with losing your virginity at a later age. Hell, despite what society tells you, you won't fail at life if you're a virgin, period.

@ Perdix - u were pretty close but unfortunately no internet cookie for u this time. the answer we were looking for was Pringles :)

perdix 29

Thanks, I actually knew that but I feigned ignorance. The real question is why are potato chips so damned sexy!?!?!

Nothing wrong at all with being a 21 yo virgin

an FML isn't about being a 21 yr old virgin but it would be about you getting pregnant and your mom finding out

Don't feel bad. I'm a 24 year old guy and still a virgin - it's not so bad, really. In fact, a valid argument could be made that you're sparing yourself heartbreak, and potentially disease or a baby, by waiting. But that whole situation with your mother is an FML moment.

Just because girls are having sex as young as 14, doesn't mean you have to be ashamed about being 21 and still a virgin. At least when you do have sex it will actually mean something.

It means something if you two are in love. You don't have to be 21 to experience love.

been there, done that. try not to be upset, if she doesn't know you... she's the one that's missing something. it happened to me after rejecting some really hot guys' propositions... and i almost did it with someone just because i was upset. but i didn't, and i never regretted doing things my way, at my own pace. you'll know when you want it. i know you feel all that pressure, but it's just bullshit from people who don't know you, and most of them don't even know what they want themselves

boatkicker 4

Not all first times suck. And you're a fool if you didn't realize that most sex isn't like what you see in ****.