By Chucho - 01/09/2012 13:58 - United States - Boston

Today, my mom told me that she rather wait for the city bus all day, than allow me to give her a ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 589
You deserved it 3 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So then that's her problem. Let her wait for the bus, you can't force her to be comfortable in the car with you.

Wow, you must be a bad driver if she prefers waiting for the bus all day.


Maybe op drives an intebtweeners car. No one really wants to be seen in that.

43 - What the heck is an intebtweeners car?

kay_princess14 7

U tried! Let her sit all day! Then she can't give you shit about it!

Then let her sit all day! Then she can't give you shit!!

A mom on the bus is worth two in the hand. No, I don't know either.

Maybe she's hoping to sit next to that guy who was trying to " fellate himself".

I know what kind of car you drive. A Honda Civic.

My mom hates riding with me because my driving scares her, but I think she would still choose me over the bus.

My mom has told me the same thing. My mom got disabled and basically bedridden and told me she'd rather die than live with me and have me take care of her if, God forbid, dad die before her. It's all good, she died and dad is still around. I loved her, but she was, uh, something. 8-D

That's messed up, but at least you'll have the day to yourself.