By James - 12/08/2011 07:54 - United States

Today, my roommate and I got into an argument. He told me he understood if I didn't forgive him "for a couple of days." He'd confessed to undressing my girlfriend in her sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 619
You deserved it 3 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spd2fst4u 5

I think I'd have him arrested.


Aw_Frick 5

Maybe OP had to go to work early and he let her sleep in? It's really not uncommon for a girlfriend/boyfriend to be asleep at their significant others house when they're not home.

I'm kind of wondering where the OP was when this was happening. It seems kinda weird to leave your girlfriend alone (asleep no less) with your roommate there while you're gone. And I'm thinking she woke up and told OP what happened, thus leading to the confrontation and the confession.

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

Shove a baseball bat up his ass while HE'S in his sleep that asshole!!!

luvmylife15 0

Either ur gf is a rock or idk. But i doubt she was "asleep" thru the whole way without waking up

Mh, sounds very creepy. You should ask your girlfriend if she really was asleep that time. I can understand that you were sleeping as he was touching her and not you.

Fingers0689 0

And you didn't beat his ass for that? Pussy

FMLover7 0

I mean really how do u not wake up to someone undressing you. Good news: your girlfriend must be hot. Bad news: she prolly woke up and maybe just let it happen anyways. Get a new roomate.