By What-_- - 25/01/2017 00:00

Today, my roommates keep opening my bedroom door to "let the WiFi out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 450
You deserved it 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The roommates are leeching off OP's WiFi from the sound of it, or the router is based in their room. Either way, it sounds like OP should invest in a lock so they stop being not only idiots but also stop violating OP's privacy.


The roommates are leeching off OP's WiFi from the sound of it, or the router is based in their room. Either way, it sounds like OP should invest in a lock so they stop being not only idiots but also stop violating OP's privacy.

I think the router is in OPs room and that they share it, but the roommate thinks the door is going to block the wifi

ribx 16

Not necessarily.... depending on what the door is made of it could reduce the signal strength...

Technically traveling through any barriers such as walls or floors of a building could diminish the signal strength, but I seriously doubt 1 door is making that much of s difference.

I suppose it depends on what the door is made of as different materials are likely to have a different effect on signal strength. However, if it's a standard wooden door I doubt it makes much difference.

jcash52426 5

What does opening/closing the door have to do with the wifi Signal. I think your roommate forgot to take their crazy pills.

It actually would make a difference. However, the difference would be negligible unless the door was made from something heavy duty (like a safe door).

does your roomie cuddle with it and take it for long walks throughout silicon Valley?

caitlinpreachit 3

I assumed this was because OP spends all of their time in their room on the internet, thus "hogging" the Wi-Fi, so the roommates thought they would be funny by attempting to "set it free".

cootiequeen4444 11

Mannn, now I'm suddenly unsure of what this FML means when I was SO sure of what it meant around 15 seconds okay. Gee, thanks. lol.

cootiequeen4444 11

*15 seconds ago. My auto correct is weird..

strangelightning 15

it actually is quite effective when the signal strength is not very strong to begin with or the walls are made of concrete and the door are heavy duty as well. your roomie just had a funny way of saying it.

geniusness 6

As an alternative, you could make them tin foil hats.