By ishouldhidethekeys - 04/11/2009 08:44 - United Kingdom

Today, my son thought he'd take my new car for a drive without permission. He accelerated straight into a tree, reversed into a lamppost and then accelerated again into the neighbours car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 959
You deserved it 4 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0


Hellooo military school! Sounds like either you have a very angry young man on your hands or he has little/no respect for you and your things. Either way I would suggest immediate action on your behalf to correct this behaviour lest he start a bonfire with your clothes next... while they are still in your cupboard.


That sucks big time! Again, how old is your son?

eh that sucks same thing happened to my mom

skyeyez9 24

my father in law keeps his car keys in a locked safe. Mainly cause he has a 15yr old step son and has valuable muscle cars that are priceless.

noshitsherlock 0

ahahhaha I wouldn't trust someone else's kid that you got as a result of marriage either. Your FIL is badass!

Hide the keys; good plan. As long as he doesn't know how to hotwire a car...

janise 2

For everyone suggesting a spanking: even if the OP does agree with spanking I'd like to know how she's going to spank a guy who's most likely a teenager and therefore bigger and stronger than her (assuming she's not a bodybuilder). If he's a little kid and not a teen then YDI for not watching your kid better or making sure someone else was.

alright then, chop his allowance and ground his ass. stuff like this can't go unpunished.

f_my_flip_life 5

To hell with a "spanking"! That kid needs a full-on ass whoopin!

HAHAHA I agree with you my friend... if it was me driving my mom's car and done that, I'd be dead by now. But of coarse that would never happen, I'm a great driver LOL. Now, OP, your kid needs help, lessons, or maybe being born again would help too, who knows. FYL