By Anonymous - 11/11/2010 05:48 - United States

Today, on the subway, a little tipsy, I sat down next to a guy I thought was cute, hoping to enjoy some harmless flirting. I said, "Hello." He said, "May I ask you a question?" I said, "Sure." He said, "Can you please move away from me?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 911
You deserved it 33 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

robc32ca 4

you say tipsy he saw stinking drunk.

Quest_ 13

Stop sexually harassing innocent strangers on public transport and this won't happen anymore.


That's probably because people thinking they are 'a bit tipsy' are usually totally wasted.

MaximilianMarche 0

#12. did u used to work in a strip club? you look exactly like a stripper I met once. she had a tattoo in the same place. don't know of it was the same one I wasnt looking at the tattoo

RookiePyro 0

No no no your doing it all wrong...HE'S supposed to be drunk for it to work

beast18 0

I thought everyone liked drunk bitches...guess it's just me.

I really wouldn't want a random alcoholic heightening my chance of failing a breathalyzer test just by breathing on me either. I know that sounds like it would probably fit better for someone who referred to themselves as "smashed" and not tipsy but alcohol isn't exactlly a prize choice of perfume. It's also not appealing when you may be in a relationship and all that's on this drunk strangers mind is flirting with you. I dunno I just think the way a majority of people are acting is a little bit TOO primative these days.