By wet - 23/04/2011 18:33 - United States

Today, the toilet on the top floor of my house burst, soaked the bathroom, and water dripped down into the kitchen and the basement for hours when nobody was home. Eight blowers and a dehumidifier later, the house is about 90 degrees and I can't leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 877
You deserved it 2 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Monikabug 9

A legitimate FML post if there ever was one. OP, I sincerely hope that most of your belongings weren't completely damaged beyond repair and that you can get all of the water up soon before more damage is done. FYL. FYL. FYL. FYL. FYL. FYL. And again, FYL!


Crazy4Christ 0

ok umm... don't poop so much?

Jrefinne 7

And die of constipation? Great idea. At least it'll save OP some money.

It only boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level. Just sayin... No, I am not the Nazi physicist.

What I want to know is how the hell did a toilet manage to explode? Did Homeland Security raise the terrorist threat level when I wasn't looking? Or did dirty little Johnny try to flush another elephant turd? Inquiring minds want to know...

I was thinking more along the lines of a mutant alligator wanting to join a middle class family without going through the hassle of adoption papers.

Nice redgreenblue! Or maybe an illegal mutant alligator immigrant who was afraid of Border Patrol. I hear INS can be a real bitch if you manage to sneak by the TSA.

We don't use the metric system because we don't have to.

X_o_X_ocutie 0

ewww shit water evaporation

jakester020 0

Easter? This is fml, there is no god here.

welcome to Texas. last year, it was above 100 for 30 days straight. get over it

Only 100? Where in Texas do you live?

To all of you asking why the OP couldn't just leave, ask yourself: Would you simply leave your house if you knew water was pouring uncontrollably and was causing damage? The OP had to stay to prevent the problem from getting worse.

Monikabug 9

Common sense isn't so common, is it? +10 interwebz points for you for having some. Everyone else? -10. Carry on.

deadpool91 0

if the dehumidifiers are there already 95% chance the problem has been fixed and it's in the restoration period.

no but I also would stop the leak before I whent and got blowers and a dehumidifier cause that won't do u much good if the waters still coming out

at least it is warm and what you chained up in there

with that much water damage, you would've needed more fans and dehumidifiers