By jellybean - 06/11/2009 23:37 - United States

Today, there was something itching me in my bed, it was the tag to my pillow case. I ripped it off, very hard and slipped and punched myself right in the face. I broke my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 800
You deserved it 11 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bringtheheat22 0

thats what you get for breaking the law.

Well, atleast it is better than the dude who cut himself with a spoon. And the people who read the FML who tried to cut themselves with spoons. I suppose I could understand that he had an itch and then went to pull a tag. I've jumped off of things and kneed myself in the face. OP FYL.


Sacwc13 4

OMG!!!! that sounds like something i would dooooo!!!

Protoforms_rule 0

Nobody else is irritated by something "itching" the OP in bed? Something was scratching you, causing you to itch. If your arm itches, you scratch it, not "itch" it. Like you lend a cd to a friend, not "borrow" it to them. Yay for the grammar troll. :D

i cant express how happy i am that someone else caught this grammar ****-up. there IS hope that the world isn't going completely to shit.

dudeitsdanny 9

I think there was another FML where someone brought up the misuse of the word, and it started a longgggg argument.

jazzy2588 0

Lmao Ahhh this made me lauqqh iNoticed It too but couldnt really fit something to replace It so ithought It was right iGuess not Ha(:

WhatAboutUsFolk 3

how much stupider can u get?!!

JHandAC 4

Says the person who said stupider instead of more stupid?

That means your pillowcase is inside out. YDI

Well, atleast it is better than the dude who cut himself with a spoon. And the people who read the FML who tried to cut themselves with spoons. I suppose I could understand that he had an itch and then went to pull a tag. I've jumped off of things and kneed myself in the face. OP FYL.

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

just say you got into a fight. or someone hit your face with a door. don't feel bad. I got a black eye from tripping into a doorknob.

Did you follow that left jab with a right hook to the ribs? You probably could have KO'd yourself if you worked a little harder.