By Anonymous - 10/07/2016 16:33

Today, two people came up to me at school, asking if I'd sell them some of my Adderall. I only just transferred here and have never mentioned my ADHD or the Adderall I take for it to anyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 460
You deserved it 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Information has a funny way of getting around. Selling your meds is illegal though, so steer clear.


I take an opiate prescription and have a similar problem; only I'm an adult. It's rather aggravating. I NEED them, why would I short myself for the month? ugh.

Not to offend you, but maybe they could tell by your actions. Or maybe word got out by someone you know intentionally or unintentionally.

OP was just too well put together and calm.

Same thing happened to me at my highschool. As others are saying, don't do it (obviously) and let someone know if you feel it is necessary.

Might have been just a trawl. Lots of kids take Adderall, so maybe you do, and maybe you'll sell some. Doesn't hurt to just ask.

YDI: 591 Me: 591 people are kinda dumb and/or maybe mean.

NoConfusion 7

Take their money and give them a multivitamin. It's all they really need anyway.

But you don't take Adderall for ADHD, you take methylphenidate.