By dentistftw - 08/08/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, it's my 22nd birthday. The only person who remembered was the dentist who sent me a postcard in the mail. I stopped going to him four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 973
You deserved it 2 896

Same thing different taste

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Today, it's my birthday. I have gotten three calls all day. The first one was my fiancee, saying he wanted his ring back. The second one was my best friend, confessing to me that she had been sleeping with my fiancee for the past three months. The third was the dentist's office singing me a happy birthday. FML Maybe you went to the same dentist? xD Strangely ironic :)


man, i'm really sorry. but happy birthday, maybe there's a surprise waiting for you and it's all apart of the plan. it's my brother's 22nd birthday today, go out and have fun, be sad tomorrow, unhappiness can wait. :)

Do you get something from the Dentist every year? Happy bday! Why don't you go out more and make more friends this year?

Send him back a gift basket with flowers and chocolates with a long sentimental poetry piece describing your affection towards him. Then follow him to his home, take pictures of him through his window while he sits on his couch watching TV and send them into his mail to show how much you care. Also send a picture of where you cut off some of your skin in the shape of his initials so he can see how his friendship penetrates you so. Send him the skin too so he may treasure it. Start calling him late at night to show him how much you care. Remember, he is now your only, and therefore, BEST friend. Don't let anyone stand in the way of your friendship. You must be with him always, you must eliminate everyone else. That's right, kill them, kill them all.

judecamberos 0


leahlovesya121 0

i laughed 20 minutes straight. laugh my motherfuckin ass off.

lovelykendra5 0

Theirs so many FML's like this, it's stupid and not funny anymore.

happy (belated) birthday! tht totally sucks MODERATORS: we've had a lot of FMLs about ppl who dont get called on their bdays can we try 2 vary it up heree?

jhon316 0

wow u know that dentits and doctors and stuf know ur birthday cause of they computers they sent cards to be kind its not like there stalkers cause i got one my brother my sis evan my baby sis and my mom and he wasnt a stalker so ya its ok

Happy birthday! It's my 22nd as well.

My parents did the same thing to me! Last October was my big 30 and they didn't even call! No phone call, no card...nothing. They didn't realize that they had forgot until early December when I called over there. I was on the phone with my mom and in the background I heard my brother say "Did you know that you forgot (my name) birthday?!"! I was hurt...but not surprised. Happy 22nd to you!!