By SoVeryMonday - 30/11/2009 18:01 - Canada

Today, we rearranged the bedroom and my boyfriend and I switched sides of the bed. When the alarm went off, he got confused as to which side the clock was on. Instead of hitting the snooze button like he normally does, he hit me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 152
You deserved it 9 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you waited ten minutes then screamed in his ear, right?


hahahaa that suckkss but is reaallly funny XP

YDI for having way too much routine in your life. Just keep the side of the bed random... much more fun..

crawfosa89 0

wow. Today you got hit in the face (probably not too hard) by your boyfriend and you think that your life is ******. My mom's friend died in car accident this morning leaving behind two small children. I wonder who had the worst day?

Wow... once again, FMLs are not supposed to be life crippling devastating tales. They're supposed to essentially be bad shit that happens in your day that will make others laugh. No one wants to read a Life-being-****** story like "Today, my wife died in a car accident. My two infants now have no mother." This is an entertainment site. From the FML FAQs: " contains a daily dose of short anecdotes, based on a simple recipe: in a few sentences, users can tell everyone the shitty moment which ruined their day." "On top of being a huge release for the person telling their story, delightfully proving that screw ups happen to everybody every day, also aims to be FUNNY FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED" OP, I think this one was quite hilarious. Not a great way to start a day, that's for sure.

Skull_300 0

What he ****? Quit trying to the attention here... Get off your ass and do your own FML.

Not to be a douchebag or anything, but that had nothing to do with this FML.

Mightybob50 0

OH NO! YOU GOT HIT IN THE FACE! I'm sure that it ruined your life

Serves you right for punching him in the face after farting yourself awake.

liz1908 0

Haha, nice. I just read that FML posting not that long ago, thanks for the extra laugh.

How is this NOT a fml... she got slapped in the face... and how do u guys know it wasn't hard.

beachbabie 0

omg u got hit in the face? fyl big time your life is like totally over.

WTFpancakes 0

how do you know he didnt do it on purpose?? O=o

idk if its just me but im 100% sick of ppl saying "oh big deal this isnt an fml!!" well no offence but u can get over almost anything so is nothing truely an fml?? stop commenting on people posts saying "get over it" or whatever because i come in this site after a bad day to have a laugh at other people bad days and feel better.. so shut up and enjoy the site and if ur sick of sooky fmls then bugger off and dont come back to the site.. gosh

Alright, for this one, I don't see why people are complaining, but I know in general that there have been a gross amount of FML's passing moderation that aren't worth writing FML about, mainly because they either happen to everyone on an almost day to day basis, or that they are simply the OP complaining about something that really, they could change the outcome themselves and are just whining to whine. Another common one is the OP complaining about something someone is "making" or had "made" them do, when really, they could just.. not do it.