By blondessdoll - 04/05/2016 17:30 - United States

Today, when getting my eyebrows waxed, the lady cursed "oh shit!" under her breath, right after waxing half of my brow off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 823
You deserved it 1 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damn op that ******* sucks. If I were you i would ask for my money back and some more for that mistake

Well now all that's left is to finish the job.


damn op that ******* sucks. If I were you i would ask for my money back and some more for that mistake

Well now all that's left is to finish the job.

So sorry OP! :( hopefully you didn't have to pay and maybe they should give you something to say sorry

mannnn thats not okay! hope it got you like a free massage or something..

Get a refund, it shouldn't have happened.

Ask for free service for the rest of the year. Although it looks like you're not going to need it lol

You're now an honorary member of the half brow squad. 12 year old me thanks you. But seriously that really sucks! I hope they compensate you in some way!

Op. I hope you did not pay for that service. I work at a waxing place I hope this never happens to me. Hope the hair grows back.

This is definitely not ok, I hope you didn't pay for it. Also, next time you get them done, ask to either be in front of a mirror, or make them give you a hand held one. When someone is doing something on your face, it's good to see exactly what they are doing.

Unless you wear glasses. Then you can't see shit