By MisterBrown - 15/02/2010 07:08 - United States

Today, while at a family get together, my bowels suddenly decided they needed to be emptied. Straight away. I felt bad enough using someone else's bathroom for this, but later, my sister came in and loudly said "God, Brian, what the hell have you been eating?" in front of everyone at the get together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 763
You deserved it 3 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say, "Don't blame me for your rancid gas, bitch!"

I wouldve said this as loud as possible IM TELLING MOM UR PREGNANT


Not really. Just because you shouldn't have taken it so personally or literally.

-.- you should of pull a professor Kump ^.^

NightGod 0

Seriously? I assume you were at a family member's house. Where were you gonna go to the bathroom? Your house? Outside? YDI. Get over your embarassment and just excuse yourself and ask if you can use the bathroom.

Oh crap. I misread it. My bad. Could a mod delete my previous comment and possibly this one?