By PentiumBawls8 - 20/01/2010 22:38 - United States

Today, while at my job, I walked past one of my colleagues who has been sick for the past couple of days. She knows that I'm a tea drinker and asked me for a tea bag. While conversing with her, I handed her one and left. I then later realized that I gave her a condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 162
You deserved it 32 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait she wanted you to "T-Bag" her and u just gve her a condom LOL


Lol. Am I the only one noticing "asked me for a tea bag"? That's just wrong

Amanjot13 0

lol, I thought the FML was gonna be "someone overheard her asking me for a 'teabag' and told my girlfriend." Didn't see a condom coming. YDI for keeping your condoms next to your teabags. Wtf?

sucka_fool 0
JoshTheMaggot 8

definitely and where did he get the tea bag. he just carries it in his wallet. ydi pay attention

Plot twist: OP wears tea bags on his schlong and prophylactics as tea-drinking devices

She asked you for a tea bag and you gave her a condom? Lol she probably thinks you did it on purpose as a sarcastic joke. Play on words. Play on words.

Lmao I feel bad 4 the girl OP U FAIL she problly thought ur a rapist XD congrats

allen20 0

perfect! shes ready for the night(:

The real question is, did she also find out? Either way, at least it wasn't used.

KingDingALing 9

Maybe she will think that u care about her and want her to use protection....just saying..

dylan211996 0

when u realized this what wereu doing hahahahahahaahahh