By bucktooth - 26/04/2012 23:04 - United Kingdom

Today, while enjoying breakfast, my teeth took a chunk out of my cheek. This happens regularly, even when I'm talking. Both my doctor and dentist have no idea why, and I'm in utter agony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 454
You deserved it 2 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fernclogger 5

Get a new doctor and dentist?

ctlnaaia71 8

it happens to me all the time. it hurts like crazy!


My teeth (I have like monster mandibles, my shit's all crooked) just took a chunk of flesh outta my lip. I'm still bleeding lol I feel ya op.

melrose90210 10

I do the same thing... Dentist said I grind my teeth at night due to stress, and cause my cheeks to swell, making them an easy target to bite.

A lot of advice coming your way OP. How about you just learn to eat right?

AaliyahMorgan143 5

Happens to me sometimes, not all the time but occasionally

Would a blaster help in this situation?

Use to happen to me all the time, so much that doctors cut the inside of my cheek because they thought it was becoming cancerous :/ Your jawline is probably too wide, just like mine was, go see an orthodontist

It's not your fault or anything, but I have to saw rate it YDI because it's a bad fml

ROSEisAmazing01 4

I know what you mean/: all the time. So aggravating.