By Embarrassed - 12/12/2011 13:45 - Germany

Today, while having dinner with my boyfriend's family, his mom told me that it looks like I've gained quite some weight. When my boyfriend told her that this was a rude thing to say, she said it wasn't rude, just the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 205
You deserved it 6 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

She doesn't like you. At least your boyfriend stood up for you?

Olovio 5

This is actually a nice FML. I can't remember the last time I saw an FML where the boyfriend stood up for the girlfriend.


Sounds just like my mother-in-law. Bitchface.

Pantriar 2

I wouldn't have stood up for you. Start working out! Guys like girls who stay in shape. Most guys hate girls who are fat, and the ones that do like fat girls are on tv on the show Chubby Chasers.

At least he stood up for you! I appreciate a guy with balls who isn't a scared little puppy around his family. Being blood related is no excuse to tolerate rudeness!

I can't imagine what that conversation must have sounded like in German.

hateevryone 14

at least your boyfriend cared enough to stick up for you. most guys wouldn't say anything.

The truth is always the best palace and atlest he stud up for u

Kudos to your boyfriend for sticking up for you.

Why didn't you just stand up for yourself and say the truth, like "yeah i have a little bit, gonna have to work it off haha" OR if you haven't "Nah i haven't put on any, i try to be healthy to avoid that", or you know something like that, why make it awkward with you just sitting there after such a comment?

Luckiky I've known my boyfriends mom my WHOLE life (our moms are best friends) she would never in a million years say that to me she loves me almost more than her own son. Truth or not, it wasnt ok for your bfs mother to say. id slao the dumb b!tch :) but thats just me