By je suis christy - 09/01/2015 19:04 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, while heading to the bathroom, I saw my girlfriend putting some lingerie under my bed. I stupidly thought it was for some sexy time later. Well, later on, she dramatically "found" the lingerie and broke up with me. Almost everyone believes her story and thinks I'm a dirty cheater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 930
You deserved it 3 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I dont understand why people can't just honestly face eachother and breakup simply.

Did you confront her about it? You saw her put it there, call her out on her stupidity... Honestly what kind of moron has to go that far just to break up.


And the award for the most devious **** goes to.....envelope please....your girlfriend.

Not worth your time OP. Now that you know the real her move on and away from anyone taking her side after you've explained yourself. Eventually she'll reveal herself to them as well and you'll no longer look like the bad guy.

You should have turned it around on her. Say oh no babe I actually bought those for you and I wanted to surprise you.. Then dump that crazy bitch, reputation saved. FYL but you dodged a bullet of crazy

That would have been a brilliant way to turn it around since I doubt the lingerie was used. (unless of course the crazy ex has resorted to panty snatching) And If it was already the ex's lingerie you should be able to prove it.

I think she still would have pretended not to believe it.

Bro, you don't need a woman like that in your life. She just proved herself immature. Confront her and move on.

That's a messed up way to break up with you. She was just trying to find an excuse. Guess she preferred to make you look bad instead of being honest.

Women are always the victims. Logic. /sarcasm

dafuq is she, 13? that's so immature. she was just trying to find a stupid way to dump you since she's too much of a coward to be honest. those other people? screw them. people these days just never believe what other people say about something and just believe one idiot person.

that's when you find her hiding lingerie under your bed you go "hey sexy can't wait to see that on you later" and you wink at her.