By jacks_smirking_revenge - 06/03/2009 22:31 - United States

Today, while out to lunch, my sister called me and asked me to pick her up from the mall. I told her she'd have to wait. She got pissed off and started cursing at me, so I hung up on her. She called me back 37 times until I answered and yelled "WILL YOU LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE?" It was my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 677
You deserved it 52 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments


alex_vik 0

#8 - What kind of phone doesn't have a way to see who's calling?

may_cause_fail 0

Cell phones have caller ID for a reason! :D But why did you answer all of those? Seems like you just should have turned your phone off until she got the picture.

I agree with everyone who pointed out CALLER ID. It is your own fault for not looking at who is calling you. Even though your sister called you too much, it is still possible that someone else would call you. And in response to #12- OLD OLD OLD brick 1980's cell phones don't have caller I.D. but I doubt she was carring one of those.

Actually, you add Caller ID into your cell phone plan or incorporate it into the choices you make when you buy your phone. When I was a teenager my mom decided she was spending too much money on my cell phone and cut off voicemail and caller ID, so yes, it is quite possible to go without.

_Elizabeth_ 0

I agree with what number #1 said. But I'd also be annoyed if one of my siblings did that.

LovesickMelody 0

To #13: She didn't answer all of them. She answered on the 37th time.

may_cause_fail 0

15- I thought that paying for caller ID only applied to landlines. At any rate, my cell phone service doesn't make caller ID optional, and I don't know of any that do. Though I could be wrong.

vitaminsandminer 0

ok people pointing out caller id, if my sister kept calling me and i kept ignoring the calls, when it got to the 37th time that would definitely be the last straw and i wouldnt take the time to look at caller id i would be too angry and ready to ask her why the **** she keeps calling

Failcakes. Caller ID comes up with "withheld number" if my work calls me, same applies if somone I don't wanna talk to calls me quite often :P

lol now that kid who had sexytime with his mom in law hasa new gig ^o^