By j3r3zana16 - 31/10/2011 08:30 - Canada

Today, while parking, I accidentally hit my landlord's daughter's brand new car. I made a huge dent in the side door. I thought nobody was home, so I quickly went to my room. Turns out they were having a barbecue outside and saw the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 397
You deserved it 51 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You, ma'am, are exactly what's wrong with society. Walking away from your responsibility is what's directly contributing to the downfall of humankind. Well, that and Jersey Shore.

Lol OP that's a felony to hit and run haha!


I agree your life sucks cuz your ass can't drive! Btw your suppost to hit that ass, not her car genius! But I totally think you derseve what's coming! Not you hahaa! ;)

You're an asshole. I hope they evict you. And I'm more pissed about this today than usual, because someone did this to my car at the effing Navy base today. Huge portion of paint scraped right off the side.

Why in the heck would the car be there if no one was home?!?

i dont think you should get arrested but i wish they would permantly take away everybodies license that hits a parked car. (unless there are underlying reasons other then simply not knowing how to drive)

rootbeerfanatic 6

You asshole. Someone did that to me in the school parking lot and i still don't know who it was. No cameras. And it wasn't just a dent, tons of paint was scraped off. You totally deserved that.

Everyone makes mistakes, but YDI only for not coming forward and telling the truth about what happened.

This makes no sense, if you stayed parked next to her car and ran inside obviously they would assume it was you who hit her car since the car was right next to the giant dent! If you're going to hit and run you have to flee with your car too not just go to your room. FYL for being stupid and an asshole.