By DetergentFrog6 - 07/04/2014 20:54 - United States - Rahway

Today, while playing basketball, my friend thanked me for passing the ball to him. I was too embarrassed to tell him that that was me shooting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 860
You deserved it 5 044

Same thing different taste


ThatOneGuy719 16

Practice makes perfect OP! Just make sure to practice the right way to shoot!

Opposite happened to me! I tried to pass the ball and ended up getting a basket.

91hayek 31

yep same thing happened to me but in football. Was meaning to cross the ball for a friend to head it in, and it just kept going and going and going and caught the goalkeeper wrong footed. It goes in and everyone cheered because I usually don't score. I just shrugged and passed on the opportunity to act like a total badass who meant that all along; hope you didn't.

Mete un gol!!!! The only phrase I remember from Spanish 1..

wildcats909 9

As Charles Barkley would say... "That's turrible..."

What is this, Canadian basketball, where people thank each other each time the ball is passed?

91hayek 31

and apologize for each foul; in fact call your own foul and high fives from opposing team mates when you get it in from the free throw line.

no big deal. you sound more like a mathelete than an athlete though.

kotake 7

I wouldn't say just because he was bad at sports meant he was smart. In fact, sports has a lot to do with brains. it's what makes some sports like chess boxing (interchanging timed rounds of boxing/chess till either knockout or checkmate) so much fun to watch. Honestly I kinda think the de-emphasis on the intelligent side of sports is done solely because consumers in front of a tv don't want to think strategy. As such, I've seen dads on couches that could do a better job than some of the sportscasters they hire. That being said I actually despise most sports, though that's because it once again doesn't emphasize the intellect, reflexes, coordination, etc. but instead "oh that guy threw a ball far he must be strong". Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if OP's shooting technique was just horrendous, but he and you are mixing that up with strength to throw.

whoa pump the breaks bro. I have no knowledge of OPs intelligence level, it's a line from a movie I find humorous. you do have a solid point on incompetent sports casters, michelle tafoya causes my brain cells to commit suicide.

It's ok OP, I'm not good at basketball either *high five*