By IHateMyJob - 14/09/2010 02:00 - United States

Today, while scrubbing my car with the foam brush at a car wash, the hose for the brush came whipping around and smacked me hard in the side of the head, knocking off my glasses. I got disoriented from the blow and stepped on my glasses, completely smashing them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 716
You deserved it 3 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLephant 2

Were you washing the mystery machine Velma?


carm3nl1 0

omg! lmfao... that really sux OP, but this is a good fml .. finally.. n it was hilarious. now u can't even see ur clean car!!

TheZarola 10

So, this hose just magically whipped around? You probably pulled too hard. YDI.

OP stepping on his glasses made me cringe more then OP punching himself in the face..

Raiden353 0

You shouldn't use those foaming brushes. They can scratch your car if there's s**t stuck in it

so? that's not that bad. u could've been barefoot when u stepped on ur glasses. see? it could be worse

sweetsydney35 0

how is that bad I mean get new glasses ******!!!!!