By Anonymous - 12/12/2009 01:03 - United States

Today, while taking a shower, I saw shadows moving across the curtains. The shadow turned out to be a cricket that then fell into the tub. I ran out of the bathroom screaming and naked. My little sister came to my door and said, "If I hadn't just seen your balls, I would swear mom had TWO daughters." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 962
You deserved it 42 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turn in your penis and get out; you are a man no longer.


your sister saw your penis, heard you scream like a girl and owned you. jeez, no hope for you at all.

Novagnome 0

You run out of your bathroom screaming because a cricket falls into the bathtub... words cannot explain how much you fail.

Stop lying OP. No sane person runs out because of a single cricket..

x_MorbidBarbie_x 0

Ahem, I don't believe the OP said that he seen the cricket and that's why he ran out. He seen the shadows "WHICH HAPPENED TO BE A CRICKET." Maybe he didn't know it was a cricket till he ran out.

whatthefuckcunt 0

Ahem. He saw "shadows" and runs out of the shower naked and screaming like a bitch. If that's not enough of a **** his shitty life, his younger sister saw him and proved she most likely has bigger balls than him... and hell, after that, I would assume an ANT has bigger balls than him. A ******* shadow? Really guy? God damn - what a sad little ladyboy....

Xxsunset_angelXX 0

ydi, dude... and your sister made the moment movie worthy. brilliant:))

hahahahahaha! that's epic! your little sister is amazing! =]

tothetest300 0
tothetest300 0
tothetest300 0

The first FML that made me laugh out loud. My mom heard me, and I showed her. Then she called my dad. Congratz, MATE (Yes, you are still a man. Barely)! You and you sister are now celebs in my house =) I clicked both Agree and YDI, though. Because that DOES suck, and no matter your age(s)/size of your balls/why you screamed, that comment from her was WIN!