By issy - 21/09/2009 05:31 - United States

Today, while taking a shower in the dorm bathroom, my roommate thought it would be funny to steal my towel, robe, and key. I spent over an hour waiting for someone to come into the bathroom so I could ask them to bring me something to cover up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 688
You deserved it 3 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im sure if you walked out into the hall nude no one would have an issue with it.


im sure if you walked out into the hall nude no one would have an issue with it.

#29 mercy you nearly killed me XD choked on my gum when i laughed and spent several minutes coughing

Damn you, mercy! I waited for like an hour or something, constantly checking to see if a #36 had appeared so I could say basically the same thing. You beat me to it! Now it's spanking time.

*Considers her options*... Meh. *Spanks* :D

I'm glad I came back. I giggled so much. XD I feel loved.

zee209 0

Wow! That really sucks. I've only dormed for one year when I was in college, and I would have hated if my roommate did that to me.

just streak through u could get a girl that way

brittanyrmh_ 12

Lol this happened to my friend as well who's a boarder, and she got really pissed off at my other friend. this used to happen to me as well when I used to be a boarder, but thank God those days are over. FYL. I understand your feelings.

Says a woman posted this, and yet everyone thinks it's guy.

this happens a lot. just man (/woman) up and walk back to your room as nature intended!

moonlight_daze 8

You should've walked out naked.. Walked quickly and hoped little to no one saw you. Hopefully if I was in the dorm, I would've saw you though. :D

People with bad grammar don't deserve to see the goods.

moonlight_daze 8

STFU.. It's too bad that those 100% grammatically correct sentences were too long and complex for you but that shit just isn't my problem.

moonlight_daze 8

Is this better for you? "You should've walked out naked (walked quickly and hoped little to no one saw you.) Hopefully if I was in the dorm, I would've saw you though. :D" Do you understand my comment now, dumbshit?

moonlight_daze 8

Or was it the phrase "little to no one" that you didn't understand? Think of mathematics. Think of "zero to five people". And yes, that's 100% grammatically correct.

Wow. Chill. "Few to no one" is what you wanted. Seriously, chill out.

What does gay butt sex have to do with anything?

Oh, and *if I were* and *would've seen*, if you want to know.

And your attempted "correction" added another error: no end-of-sentence period. (You put it inside the parentheses by mistake.) I blame the education system.

Xx_f_us_all 0

just walk around in the nude. unless you have to shave no one should hav a problem