By frozenpoo - 21/01/2015 02:05 - United States

Today, while trying to take a crap, I shut the bathroom door. A minute later, my 3 year old daughter knocked and said "Mommy, do you wanna build a snowman?" She kept singing the song until I was finally done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 654
You deserved it 5 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, that's genius, you should have replied with "Go Away Anna"

Even though you were trying to have just a few minutes of privacy you have to admit that that is extremely adorable!


I hate that song. People wouldn't stop singing it.

SydLovesLacey 18

My daughter used to do this to me all the time when I went into the bathroom. It's very adorable actually.

At least she's not like that 11 year old from the other FML

Hey, this is the OP. I'm surprised it got posted! Yes, she's kind of frozen obsessed. I did think it was adorable even if I couldn't get two minutes of privacy to poo.

You should let it go (haha get the reference)