Today, I was feeling down so my husband took me to a comedy show. This comedian saw me, heckled me for a full two minutes, then returned to me a further three times during his act to mock me again, zeroing in on every one of my insecurities until I left crying, feeling worse than ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 621
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slhiggx 17

That comedian is obviously trash. Doesn’t know how to work a crowd. I’m sorry that happened to you.

If I was the hubs, honestly, I'd probably wanna jump the guy right after. Unless you somehow left out that you were heckling him, he should've left you alone.


slhiggx 17

That comedian is obviously trash. Doesn’t know how to work a crowd. I’m sorry that happened to you.

If I was the hubs, honestly, I'd probably wanna jump the guy right after. Unless you somehow left out that you were heckling him, he should've left you alone.

your man should have said something to make him stop heckling you

tiptoppc 19

Like “Keep my wife’s *bleep!* name out of your mother*bleep! Mouth!” SLAP!

What's worse is the crowd really enjoyed you being humiliated so much that the comedian was able to use you for further laughs. You need to move to a better place.