Unrequited seduction technique

By Anonymous - 02/12/2022 16:00 - United States - Morganville

Today, I wanted to entice my crush by being sexy and coy, so I texted him that I wasn't wearing any underwear. He immediately blocked me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 318
You deserved it 1 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I blocked a female coworker at my current job for doing it. She is lucky I didn’t report it to HR to be honest. If a man can’t send a text like that to a woman, why would a woman think it’s ok to do it to a man?

That’s not “coy”, chief, that’s harrassment.


That’s not “coy”, chief, that’s harrassment.

I blocked a female coworker at my current job for doing it. She is lucky I didn’t report it to HR to be honest. If a man can’t send a text like that to a woman, why would a woman think it’s ok to do it to a man?

That's the most sterile, cold way to get rejected by your crush. Now you know you need to move on. Surely, some guy is going to be turned on by that.

"obligatory" Hey, how you doin? but yeah, you cant just put that out there, mostly because if it goes wrong, you can turn it around as sexual harrasment.

That's something you say after you're in a relationship, not when trying to get in one.