Valentine's Day confession

By Mister_Triangle - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that all of the anonymous Valentine's gifts I received throughout high school were sent out of pity by my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 428
You deserved it 3 233

Mister_Triangle tells us more.

Mister_Triangle 21

Well I've been out of high school for over a year now and my other sister (who knew for some reason) let it slip while we were discussing valentines day. I played it off like I already knew, but I secretly died a little inside.

Top comments

mathew17986g 2

At least you know someone cares :D


superficialheart 11
saIty 17

Should have just told your sis that you did have a boyfriend, except that he just lived in Antarctica with penguins who have happy feet.

jules3198604 4
Mister_Triangle 21

Even if I wasn't a straight dude I don't think that story would hold up very well haha

Well she cares for you and doesn't want you to feel bad ;)

juturnaamo 29

I wish I had family like that

Glockinator 2

What a sweet sister....... Unless you're from Kentucky then she's just creepy and I sense a new springer episode coming on

juturnaamo 29

Ewe! I didn't even think about the possibility that they were legit.

Yes, cause we all know them Kentucky folk are all either dating, married to or have slept with a family member...

Brigitte14 0

I'm from Kentucky and I hate it when people say that! it's really offensive!

Glockinator 2

Clearly it's a joke! People this is a funny app. Not be so serious that it's boring app

That's really sweet, you have a really thoughtful sister!

Op is a guy.. Lol I thought it was a girl a first too :) aha

#31 It's still sisterly's his sister and she's showing him love.

sillyjb 9

Hey you have a good sister that cares about you. Wanna share?

dimestorepoet 0

No kidding. I'll take a sister who sends pity letters, who cares, over one who doesn't and chose money over my mom and I, anyway. :)