What do I get?

By kirassi919 - 20/09/2012 16:50 - United States - North Wales

Today, I helped my parents out by tearing down the old, rusty swing set that's been in our backyard for years. Little did I know that there was a beehive hidden in the long grass, and I now have dozens of painful red bumps all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 172
You deserved it 2 258

Same thing different taste


xAttackAttackx 25

Jackass extra: The Hidden Beehive

Ever since reading the Hunger Games, I fear all beehives. If you start hallucinating and seeing Caesar Flickerman...you better get some sponsers. Too far?

captainburke 5

Hunger games was my first thought, I'm surprised more people didn't reference the tracker jackers! Awesome ******* part btw :)

I came in here to read the comments specifically to see if there were any tracker jacker references. Thank you for not disappointing me.

Wow that sounds like a real pain in the grass!

There are people that will come and relocate beehives for you for free. They use them for honey and pollinating plants.

You should bee more careful when you're around tall grass. Beedrills are pretty scary.

Don't go into tall grass! It's dangerous! Here, come back to my lab.... I have something for you.

LiterOfCola 16

Wild Ratata (Lv. 2) appears. Can't escape. FML

Ratata, please, don't use tail whip anymore! My defense is already the lowest it'll go!

no good deed ever goes unpunished :p that's for sure !

As opposed to the painful little red bumps that COULD have been avoided, eh op?

F the bees' lives. They all killed themselves trying to kill you.