What do y'all want?

By ladymichee - 07/07/2021 14:01

Today, police barged into my apartment for a drug raid, but they had the wrong address. They came in while I was naked on my couch and didn't even apologize for breaking my door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 209
You deserved it 74

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a few thousand lawyers that would gladly take that case.

OP must live in Chicago, that's a common occurrence around here :(


There's a few thousand lawyers that would gladly take that case.

OP must live in Chicago, that's a common occurrence around here :(

PenguinPal3017 19

Police can't even get addresses right. It's ridiculous that we put up with this.

Warp1978 15

That happened to me, they handcuffed me wet out of the shower and put me in the van while they ransacked the flat including breaking a hole in the wall just in case. After an hour a female officer asks me to confirm the address. She checks her pad goes away comes back unlocks my hand cuffs and gets me out of the van now infront of several neighbours. Days later I get contacted by the legal department of the local station asking for information on what happened and a full damage report. Turns out the flat I was renting used to belong to an extremely violent drug dealer / user. Resulting in a no knock warrant being served. I was eighteen and ******** myself

xxlk4xx 6

I'm 30 and would be absolutely ******** myself too! I'm sorry that happened!

Warp1978 15

Luckily it's ancient history.