Where am I?

By awalc - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I woke up with Skittles superglued to my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 259
You deserved it 6 147

Top comments

Ah, you must be one of those people that thinks glue isn't real and Elmer's school glue is actually a bottle of bull sperm.


Rainbow ninjas in your house OP. I suggest you hide.

bluekid7 5

Let me guess OP, you were the first one asleep.....

ImFrackinBored 13

He is defiantly doing so eh? I would have figured the word definitely would have been a bit more suitable for that comment. But hey, whatever floats your illiterate boat.

littlegold 7

43- lol thanks for saying that....

MagicGiraffe 12

Did there happen to be a Tiger in the bathroom and a baby in the closet?

LiyIa_fml 8

At least when OP gets hungry, he or she wont have to look far! :) Have fun getting them off your forhead though.

jblikesanalsecks 0


Damn_Hippster 11

Glue the rainbow Taste the rainbow

ptrick718 1

Look out for Marshawn lynch then

eyeIoveyou 4

maybe a sour patch gummy did it to you! :( "First they're sour, then they're sweet."

CookieMonstr19 0

Ummm...SNACK!! How is this a bad thing?!

nixter5 18

Just make sure that bitch beautiful!

TASTE THE RAINBOW!!......and um ur own face

anzie_fml 9

OP should have the Tube Sock help him out :P

I find it odd that I just read an FML where most of the comments were about glue and skittles.

its a bad thing because she can't eat because they are super glued to her forehead!

Ah, you must be one of those people that thinks glue isn't real and Elmer's school glue is actually a bottle of bull sperm.

How would you prefer it, No. 2? Glud? Glude? Glood? Gl?d?

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Op can just have someone suck on his forehead until the skittle dissolves. I suggest doing this in public.

116- I do something quite similar to that, but instead I glue the skittles to my dick.

162 I got to try that sometime, thanks for the idea bro!

ShroomsOnAcid 16

162 - I will suggest doing that in public as well.

162-I was gonna say...I would tottalllyy eat them off your dick! But then I realized that's a tottally inaapropiate thing to say on a public thread. So I'll just settle with a good ol' "LOL" xD

ShroomsOnAcid 16

184 - Are you desperate or just high?

It's already in the making. It's a commercial with Megan Fox and I. They'll cover it up slightly and play it on Nickelodeon to subliminally message the masses.

Sinamoi 18
blondebrunette11 4

Atleast they werent on his dick.. Lol jk, Not eve one could fit.

blondebrunette11 4

Sorry my bro took my phone. Hahah

132 stop lying, I've seen that excuse so many times on here

blondebrunette11 4

143- Yeah okay, dot beleive me.. I dont really give a ****.

Well would you prefer they were dingleberries? No! Enjoy the rainbow!

I love skittles! Heads up! (horrible combination of a bad pun and almost a Family Guy reference) Bring on the angry thumbs.

DKjazz 20

"The Angry Thumbs" was a Bass & Drums project I was a part of.

The worst part was when OP realized that they were all grape Skittles.

Yes. The best to torture your victims with. No, wait! Not even Hitler would deserve to be punished with grape Skittles!

That was some wicked party last night bro...