Windy day

By Tree - 21/03/2023 00:00 - United States

Today, my dog was about to get hit by a tree branch, so I yelled for him to move. He got mad and started barking at me. And got nailed by the tree branch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 621
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is a dog supposed to understand such a complex concept as impending danger?

Let's hope your dog learns to obey before he gets whacked by another branch of karma.


How is a dog supposed to understand such a complex concept as impending danger?

Let's hope your dog learns to obey before he gets whacked by another branch of karma.

when the bipedal man who understands what is going on doesn't help his four legged derp. that's on you!!!!

Instant karma. He won’t come back as a human in his next life. :D