Yeah, Mike

By considering murder - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Huntington Beach

Today, I finally put the finishing touches to a huge project after 8 months of gruelling work. My boss had used the promise of a 5-figure bonus to motivate me. When I casually brought the bonus up later in the day, my boss just said, "Gratitude's its own reward, Mike." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 702
You deserved it 1 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report that. You were lied to for 8 months

Im sure thats not right?? Id go to HR and see if they can do anything


This wouldn't happen if you were Mike Lowery!

About 4 years ago, I had an urgent project dropped in my lap. In addition to my regular projects, this had to be completed in 3 weeks. I worked 18 hours a day for 3 weeks straight. My boss was paid $25,000 for the job. He gave me exactly nothing as a bonus. 4 months later I started my own company. I took all his clients and even most of the employees followed me. What goes around comes around. Today, he's working for some company in Seattle making half of what I make.

He didn't even give you a subscription to the jelly of the month club

"Yes, hi, I would like to finally pay off the mortgage. No, no, I don't have any money, but I have gratitude!...Hello?"

If I was that boss, I'd say, "five figure? No you misheard me. I said five FINGER" and hold up my hand for a high five!

Actually I joked with my sister that fingers also being digits I wanted to give her a 5 digit bonus for helping me with the yard work and offered here a high five. We mentioned the five finger bonus to our mom later and she said "You gave your sister a handjob?!"

save that project take it to a new place and use it for interview material.

Your boss is not your friend. Your company is not your family. Get everything in writing or assume it's not happening.