You what now?

By tryena - 28/02/2009 10:59 - United States

Today, I babysat a five year-old girl. She ran up to me, threw her arms around my waist and said, "YUMMY! I'm going to eat you!" with her face in my crotch. I said sarcastically under my breath, "Finally, some action!" I turned around to find her dad staring at me, having heard. He's my cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 302
You deserved it 92 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fb_fml 0

Wow, who would even think of something like that with your 5-year-old relative, let alone say it out loud? That's right, FYL.

Melody_fml 0

#5 she had just gotten there. dont parents normally wait till the baby sitter is there BEFORE they leave?


what's wrong with everyone here? there's a little thing called sarcasm. the op obviously had no pedophillic thoughts when he said this. just a ******* joke. calm down everyone

haha awkward much? vote at:

nixxx90 0

wow whoever thinks this is funny is just as perverted as the op. being comfortable enough to say that about a child is disgusting. if they were saying it to someone else as in a friend then yeah it'd be funny but saying it when you're alone is weird

This is how I read this one aloud to my hubby: "Today, I babysat a five year old girl. She ran up to me, threw her arms around my waist and said, "YUMMY! I'm going to eat you!" with her face in my crotch. [But wait, there's more!] I said sarcastically under my breath, "Finally, some action!" [But wait, there's more!] I turned around to find her dad staring at me, having heard. He's my cousin. FML."

Pouncehyena 0

I lol'ed. Frankly I get this humor and I rather like dry wit even if it is a horrid subject. I hope he wasnt pissed off at you. One would think if he's your cousin he's used to the weird shit you say ^_^

god you such a jerk go look for someone your age !!!

sarebear123 0