Your silent face

By twelfinity - 17/07/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, my husband decided that the best way to deal with me eating the last chocolate chip muffin was to give me the silent treatment. Normally, I'd just get over his childish behavior, but we're on a fifteen hour car trip back home with our one year-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 741
You deserved it 5 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yarrachel 16

I'd be pissed if the chocolate chip muffins were gone too, but your husband needs to get over it. Looks like you are making a car trip with two kids.

yummayy_ 11

Then its payback time. No sex for a month! :D


Yarrachel 16

I'd be pissed if the chocolate chip muffins were gone too, but your husband needs to get over it. Looks like you are making a car trip with two kids.

But instead of a choco-chip, get blueberry instead.

what type of muffin would you like For breakfast jooohny?

mismonroe 0

I think that you should incorporate muffins in your foreplay next time you make love. I don't think he'll still be angry after that.

Seriously smurfs.... Even if that wasn't just awful I think it would be obvious that her husband would want her...

22cute 17

pull over, buy another muffin and eat it in front of him. That will get him talking.

jwbbabe 9

or just turn the radio on. show 'em that you're the grown up that's not going to put up with bullshit.

what if it was a pack of 4 and she ate 3??

it must be some kind of really social muffin to him if he was so mad about it.... .___.

simpleplan94 4

thats why everyone needs a muffin button

Some men's age and maturity are wildly incongruent. Some men only grow up by the time they're 40.

It was the last chocolate chip muffin, I'd throw her out the car while crossing a bridge.

idontcare8l 3

your son should of been like " smarten up boy! "

lucas18xx53 0

just go buy him another muffin

yummayy_ 11

Then its payback time. No sex for a month! :D

SugarCrazy 14

I think that's a bit harsh...

sourgirl101 28

That's torture for herself also. Last I heard, most women like having sex, too!

Why is that always one of the first answers when a guy is dumb? It's like you think you can really train them with pussy.

none_for_me 5

Maybe rejection of sex is the real reason for the silent treatment. Nothing to do with a muffin.

Eggers 2

72 that means he's silent because of no sex, and shes giving no sex because of the silence. Uhhh. Which is just a very unsexy paradox. my head just exploded.

Confuscious say: Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day. He also say: Man no get pussy, turn into dick.

dani212 0

This sounds like it happens often.....? I think he needs to grow up

Shit, poke the kid and get it crying. That'll teach him not to use the silent treatment

Or maybe she's just really selfish and he's pissed that it happens so often.

How dare you it the last muffin! Where I am from your tongue would be cut out for that shit!

owynsmom04 1

Wow nothing like having two one year olds in the car... FYL for sure... Make sure to hold out on him next time he wants a piece with the silent treatment! Jeez!

Nothing worse than a 1 year old other than a husband like OP's ????

tayruru 0

So basically you're on a long car trip with two babies?? FYL

tacocannon99 5

first of all, don't dye your hair ******* rainbow. also, I don't know if your a boy or a girl. go ahead, thumbs me down for being so "mean"

agreed. looks kinda like a girl but idk...I hate when people die their hair like that

Buy him a new muffin and make a peace treaty :D

Why'd you do it!? I love muffins. The silent treatment will do the trick.

mismonroe 0

As a fellow fatty, I find this completely reasonable!