FML - The Follow-Up

rufus_t_firefly tells us more.

Hi OP here. Basically I work in a houseware and DIY store and the customer was a bit awkward in the first place. As she was leaving she asked if I could ring her a taxi, and I said I could if she had the phone number. She gave me a business card with a number on which I rang but the lady on the other end hadn't heard of where I work so she asked what town I was in. When I told her I was in Leicester she told me she was in Cornwall which is right at the far south west of England. I don't know whether she thought I playing a prank or was some sort of idiot. The customer herself seemed surprised the number was for Cornwall so what she was doing with the business card I don't know. To top it all off after we told her we didn't have a local taxi number she went outside to ring her son. On her mobile phone.

bambisapphic tells us more.

yeah, I thought of that, but these guys do this all day in different places, and make a ton of money from tourists. the amount of money I can afford to give probably wouldn't mean shit to them.

baldiesmom tells us more.

baldiesmom 25

OP here. The instability of the umbrella was due to my husband cutting apart the stabilizing framework under the table that would normally keep this kind of thing from happening because he bought me a "much more awesome" umbrella that was too big for the table. He had good intentions, but I had a feeling the cutting of the framework would be a problem later. And no, there will most definitely not be a next time. As for vacuuming it up, maybe so, if I had a shop vac. As it was, he had loaned our shovel to a friend, I had no gloves, and the grass was long. I improvised and ended up using a hoe and two dust pans. It worked.

JordLostItagain3 tells us more.

Hey guys op here! Still no sign of the wallet, had no cash in it fortunately but replacing the cards is a hassle. First time i lost it, some old lady handed it into the bank. One of the train cleaners gave me a call after i lost the second one. Hoping 3rd times the charm? I'm a 20 year old uni student and it takes me about 2hrs to get to and from uni. Basically i live on trains. I've never lost my wallet prior to this year though! Some of you might be saying how could you lose it again!? Well, i think i was too preoccupied trying to text this girl i really like... until it dawned on me when i changed platforms. The sudden realisation as you furiously check your bag is the worst. Looks like i'm investing in a chain wallet from now on:) I'll let you all know if it magically appears(hopefully). If you guys find a black wallet with a bunch of cards give me a heads up! haha

tjmtjm tells us more.

OP here and I'll try to answer all the questions with a novel of a post. I've been in Stockholm since August and it just happened at the time this happened I didn't have any cash on me. Plus it's way easier to use card then it is cash at most places in Stockholm. My card was already filed under fraud from a purchase that I didn't make online and promptly shut down. I was on the phone with the fraud department so they could temporarily unfreeze my card so I could take out cash, because they were aware of my credit card situation and I would be out of any card until Oct 1st. As soon as the ATM ate my card I called the company and was told that their ATMs do shred cards whenever they're opened by staff at the end of the night for security reasons and there was nothing they can do, even with my situation.The reason it's going to take so long for the cards to get to me is because my bank isn't legally allowed to send cards internationally to me for whatever reason, but my mom is visiting Oct 1st, so she is bringing both my credit and debit card replacements. I had to laugh because as soon as the machine ate my card and I let the fraud staff on the phone know that happened all she could say was "oh...that sucks. I honestly can't help you anymore if that happened. I'm so sorry." She was overall really helpful and I could tell how surprised she was when I said that happened. I find it to be quite the humorous situation, considering nothing went right. baxeh, and mirror girl you're both are the best! I would have never guessed from this post that kind strangers would be willing to help me out! I greatly appreciate it, and luckily for me I have a couple friends from my university also in Stockholm that are able to help me out in the meantime. Which is quite a relief! In terms of a job, I really enjoy working and would love to work in Stockholm to keep me busy but because I'm only in the country for six months (I'm from the States) and unless it's under the table, I can't get a job since I'm not here for a year or more.

orangediva tells us more.

OP here second attempt. Stubbies are Australian shorts which are very short. Commonly worn with thongs and a singlet, classy! Anyway, you know when you are on a diet and you are not allowed to eat chocolate. It's the same trying to not look at a pair of danglies. And I knew you all would put up some great comments. Thank you :)

mercumorr tells us more.

OP here! It was in no way meant as harassment and definitely wasn't a serious question towards anyone! And no, it's not a sex shop! We manufacture eye wear :) For those asking for the weirder things: 1. A 36 year old man asked me out twice 2. The same man has been fired and escorted out by police for parole violations (convicted of owning/distributing child **** a few years ago, if you're interested) 3. An old woman has bent a young black man over a table and spanked him with a ruler 4. Found out that the nice, grandfatherly old man actually says creepy sexual things about the young girls he finds attractive. My favorite being, "I need some bubble wrap to hide my woody" 5. Gotten asked if I wear my beanie during sex because no one has seen me without my hat since my first day 6. Found a LARGE clump of pubic hair in a bathroom stall. Someone was actually trimming their pubes at work. 7. Recently had the bathrooms soundproofed because you could hear people having violent diarrhea from the conference rooms right next door. Guess it ruined the CEOs' catered meetings a little too often. 7. Heard a mentally challenged man frequently discuss popping his blow up dolls, **** preferences, and how he sometimes gets the urge to ********** in the bathroom. Still employed with us, but thankfully got transferred downstairs to the lab. 8. Heard a couple guys make sexual comments about the woman who delivers the mail to each department, not knowing that she is actually my mother 10. A guy came in on heroine and took dick pics on the elevator. While someone was right next to him. I left quite a few out to keep this from going on too long, but there's some of my favorites. I find most of these things pretty funny and I don't wanna be the reason anyone loses their job, so I don't plan on reporting anything!

Senseless_487 tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here. While the music itself wasn't the worst thing in the world, and I did find out that Luke Bryan can be very funny, I found that the people who attend country concerts really aren't my cup of tea (I'm more of a pop punk/alternative kind of guy, i.e. blink 182, Yellowcard, etc.). To answer one question about getting punched, it turns out the guys behind me were very drunk and felt like messing with someone, and they picked me. So they each punched me in the head, and then one of them dropped the beer on me. I didn't have to do anything about it because the people around us kicked their asses and made them leave. And as to the people saying "suck it up," we all do things we don't enjoy for love, but when it crosses the line to physical violence and bodily harm, it becomes something that you can bitch about. She puts up with my geeky shit all the time without complaint, and I wouldn't have had a single complaint about spending my night at a country concert, but I went home cold, wet, smelling of beer, and in a lot of pain. I earned the right to bitch a little bit.

stupidpplsuck tells us more.

op here i wouldn't have cared about not getting a gift at all, especially since money is a little tight right now. But the fact that there was a gift and it was something that doesn't really pertain to me or my interests is was got me a little down. I'm still gonna read it and I appreciate the thought, but I would have preferred just a card or something.

K_nightlight tells us more.

Hi, OP here. I'm not gonna just tell you their names, so I hope you realize that 3 and 5 are their ages. And a leash would have been a very good thing to have for this kid. He's a wild little kid alright. Lucky for me his brother, the 3 year old, likes me so he doesnt do stuff like this. And yeah, I live way way up north, and their house is nestled in the woods so it's a struggle to keep them out of it.

Kelnyquist tells us more.

OP here! This was the first time I was handling a client on my own. I've been an apprentice for several years and I was recommended to this lady by a friend of mine. I guess their conversation about me somehow made it seem as if I would do the first lesson free. I did get the payment. Me and the horse are getting on just fine now and our lessons have been reduced to thirty minutes a day. He even greets me at the gate!

bish_wut tells us more.

bish_wut 15

Hello, everyone! I'm the OP. I am so shocked/ excited this actually got posted! First off, thanks for all the kind comments, I smiled quite a few times haha. As for my friendless life, I am homeschooled due to many health problems I have, such as anxiety, so being home alone all day, it's quite hard to make friends. But I do realize I could do something about it instead of sitting here moaping. My birthday is in 2 days, so my sister is going to help me invite some neighbors and hopefully I can make some friends :) (#3 and #4, thanks friends :D) Thanks for the luck everyone, I think I'll definitely need it.

mckenna9797 tells us more.

mckenna9797 15

Hey everyone, OP here. Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. I called my friends and got it rescheduled for Saturday luckily, although one or two might not be able to. As for my mom, she had a joint account with me due to when I was 17, and I just haven't gotten to it to change it to just me when I turned 18 last year, because she usually never does this. My mom does seem to like my brother more than me which is a little messed up but she usually respects me and treats me very well. She's a nice person and decent parent, but a little weird sometimes. She didn't have any money to spend on his birthday due to just paying rent for the month with her paycheck. She did however have no right to use my money or cancel my plans. That was uncalled for and definitely not right. As for the gun itself as a present to my brother, he's turning 23 and just got back from a year deployment to Germany. She wanted to do something special for him and he really wanted a mosin nagant rifle for a couple years now. I would have bought it for him honestly if. she asked because I get paid tomorrow. I hope that answers all your questions!

n3rdzgotskillz tells us more.

Hi it's me! I'd totally have clicked YDI as well. My MA is only a year old at my university. It's the first year they're doing Creative Writing, so everything is still in beta mode. I picked my topic and basically wrote about what my tutor told me to. Unfortunately, due to miscommunication within the Creative Writing department, none of the lecturers were sure what I was supposed to be writing until about a month ago - so even though the research I'd done was what my tutor told me to, it's not the research I was supposed to. Thankfully, my lecturers have taken responsibility for giving me false information, and they've apologised to me and extended the deadline to the end of January. Also - I saw my tutor fortnightly and he always told me I was right on track! It just turns out I was on track with the wrong thing, haha.

ginger_trelf tells us more.

OP here. Thanks for all the support and funny comments. To clear a few things up, my sister didn't post to Instagram from the hospital, she just took a selfie at home and complained about the things that aren't going well in her life. She had no idea that I didn't know about my grandpa and assumed that our mom had told me. Since my sister and I both live at home, our family tells my mom about any big family news with the assumption that she will pass it on. Right now, my mom is in a really busy period at work and I'm an American exchange student in New Zealand, so I'm sure she wasn't purposely hiding anything from me. Since I go away for college, she sometimes forgets to tell me things anyway.

BabsZilla tells us more.

OP Here. To answer some questions and lay down some facts. My housemate and I lived with my parents for a long time until I turned 18, then we had a house all lined up, and we moved out together about 15 minutes away. Not far, I am still in High School, and I wanted to remain close to my parents. I am of legal age here in Cali, and we are "careful" (Meaning we have safe sex with the pull-out method and birth control) My parents came into our house with the spare key I gave my mother for EMERGENCIES and planted 28 nanny-cams EVERYWHERE! We had to go through every piece of furniture and decor that we have to find them all. She called me literally 5 minutes after we finished having our "fun" to tell me she was watching me. I love my mum, but if this was to "protect" me, that's taking it too far. Thanks for commenting. Needless to say, we only have sex in the bedroom now...

colibricorolla tells us more.

OP again, what happened with the injury was the youngest and the second youngest decided they were going to race across our living room, and the former ran headfirst into the edge of the coffee table. Hard. Those two had walked into the kitchen while the rest of them were watching a movie at the time and I don’t think she noticed what they were doing until it was too late. He got a cut that was about an inch or so wide and looked pretty deep on his forehead. We were able to bandage it up, she got the bleeding to stop and confirmed he did not get a concussion from it but everything I frantically searched online said he was going to need stitches and all of the local urgent care centers had literally just closed 5 minutes before this happened. She took him the next morning when they left and they said he was OK, thank goodness, but a very brief lapse in supervision wasn't something to call CPS over.

TheHarvardian tells us more.

Hey guys. I'm the OP. So for everyone saying that I should report this to HR, I would like to, but I can't report it at the local level, since our local HR rep was in the meeting with the manager that announced that he was reopening the interviews. I would imagine that there is someone that I can go to above them, but I am not 100% sure who it is and no one is being particularly forthcoming with information. For the people who think that we should all revolt, as far as I understand, my coworker does want us to go in together on a lawsuit, so that's kind of close.

NintyStar tells us more.

OP here: for clarification, these are the books for one course. The rest of my books for my first semester (I'm a college freshman) drove my textbook costs up to over $500. So having to pay nearly $200 more for my books that did not come as advertised is a bit of a shock, to say the least. For reference, I bought all of my books the week before move-in, and I've only just finished my first week of classes. Luckily, my professor is very understanding, and she just sent me the link to where I could buy the codes and know they were legitimate, and she said she'd just give me credit for what I've already missed. So, I guess you could say this story has a happy ending, more or less. I'll just be better about it when buying books for next semester.

Xtrafresh tells us more.

Oh hi, OP here with much desired answers its seems. I adopted the cat from the local vet/asylum. They gave it to me as male and neutered. Even in the store I spotted it was most probably a she, but I didn't want to make a fuss and didn't care. I named her Violet, and she has a little brother named Dash. Kudos to whomever gets the reference. The big surprise for me was that not only did the vet **** up the gender, they also got the neutered part wrong.

meglast tells us more.

OP here. It was inconsiderate of me to use the treadmill in an upstairs apartment. Mine isn't very loud and I know the neighbor wasn't asleep, but I still should have thought of the noise. I was very embarrassed, but it is being taken care of and they weren't upset. They just asked me to move the treadmill to another room. I am a small woman-114lbs- I just thought it was funny imagining that I made the whole building shake.

nes0385 tells us more.

OP here! I so didn't think this was going to make it! But I loved reading all your comments! And yes I do read FML while I'm doing my business at Barnes and Noble lol

MissMoonpie tells us more.

OP here. To clear some things up, my dad and mum divorced like 9 years ago. The fact that he has a girlfriend doesn't bother me at all. It is more the fact that I know this trough my brother that bothers me. I'm at my dorm for a month because I have to take exams (in Belgium it is normal to spend the weekends at home and the weekdays in your dorm, but now I am at my dorm for a month), so I haven't seen my father for quite some time. When I found out she is going to move in with us was a complete shock for me. I don't know her, nor does she now me, and my father hadn't even told me about her. He called me (after I called my grandma because I was very upset) and said not to worry. If she's moving in, it will be for November. By that time I will have met her (hopefully).

horriblelife3006 tells us more.

Hi guys OP here! And I'm so excited as this is my first published FML! So I'm here to clarify some things! #1 - Yeap luckily I wasn't in the car at the time it happened but I did saw it from a distance. And many of you have asked for me to break up with him but I didn't as he did not commit a serious offence! He was rushing to the hospital as his Mother was ill and he was in such a state of panic that he didn't knew he was speeding so I apologise if it's confusing but at the time that I was posting This, I did not know about why he was speeding! Perhaps I should have said speeding away from the cops instead of running away! So I do hope it clarified any issues! Do continue to leave more comments and I will get back to you guys later! Thank you!

stillnotdivorced tells us more.

OP here. First of all, I want to thank everyone for their support. I get a lot of face-to-face support, and I'm not sure why the support of a bunch of strangers on the Internet is so meaningful, but it is. So thanks! Second, I want to provide a bit more detail. Not much more, as I don't want to say anything that will be too identifying or potentially useful for her if we ever go to trial: Thanks to the fairness of the system here and some actions she took initially, we have had 50/50 shared parenting time with the kids since almost the beginning. So I've been able to spend a lot of time with my kids, and when they forget they are supposed to hate me, it's been great! Then they remember, and things get very, very hard. And regardless of the challenges of having her here in the complex, this move of hers *will* make things easier on the kids - they'll be able to walk from household to household on transition days instead of getting driven. Much less disruptive. So yes, there is a silver lining. I like all of the suggestions of tracking or even recording all of our interactions. I'll have to check into the legality of actually recording, but writing down what happens and is said as soon afterward as possible is a great idea, and I'm going to add it to my toolkit. I also like the idea of having witnesses around. I don't think a restraining order is a possibility without a specific action on her part. But rest assured - if she does something that warrants it (see what I did there?), I will seek one. Thanks again, everyone!

HellCat44 tells us more.

OP, here. Once, I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. It was hot so I cracked a window to let in fresh air. Somehow that was indecent and I got yelled at, and he's been on my case ever since.

theinfiniteend tells us more.

Nah, he's not a jerk. I'm not too mad, it was just kinda embarrassing at the time. Anyway the guys always been really forgetful and disorganized, plus he's retiring this year too so I guess I'm not hugely surprised lmao

Emmereen tells us more.

It didn't sound like they were, but I suppose I can give them the benefit of the doubt.

crazy_bananas tells us more.

crazy_bananas 31

Hi OP here! I'm going to explain a few things since 300 characters isn't enough to get the whole story down. I really appreciate all the nice comments, and I loved how many of you wanted it to be high school or early college students! But first to all the people who say I deserve it and I should have expected this because I'm going into a teaching profession, **** off. I'm talking to you #30, 36, 39, 40, and 42 and anyone else who comments on this at a later time. Just because I'm going to be a teacher doesn't mean I deserve it. I also never said I didn't expect it, I knew what I was getting into when I decided I wanted to be a teacher and learn in a a younger age group setting. Okay! Now to other things! To answer the most comment question, no these aren't high school kids, these were 5 and 6 year olds. This was a kindergarten level class and it was the first day of the year, so I knew that there were going to be tears and some icky things were going to happen. I fortunately brought an extra pair of pants with me I changed into them so I wouldn't have boogers on me all day. The kid who peed their pants was sent to the nurses office so their mommy could come bring them new pants and underwear. And the kid who was crying for his mommy cried so hard that he threw up a little bit so he got to be nurse buddies with the kid who peed their pants. His mom brought him back to class and luckily he had calmed down enough and didn't cry when she left again. He was just going through a little separation anxiety but once he saw that the day was going to end at 12, and he would get to play games and be told stories he was super chill and ended up loving being in class. The worst thing about this whole situation was that the teacher was outside with all the parents when it all went down, so I had to deal with the debacle by myself. Admittedly though, this was a great learning experience that I'll be sure to learn from when I have to run a classroom by myself. However, I will not be teaching little kids at this young an age, I'm aiming for 7 and 8 year olds or high school student. Hopefully, with high school kids I won't run into a similar situation!