By Emily - 12/11/2012 18:12 - United States - Hayward

Today, while sitting in a waiting room, a man assured me "The safety's on" after he handed his kid his BB gun. A minute later, I practically had a hole in my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 031
You deserved it 2 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why the hell did someone have a hb gun in any type of waiting room?

Was it a hospital waiting room? That would be convenient.


why the hell did someone have a hb gun in any type of waiting room?

I really wonder what kind of waiting room that was.

MindFreakazoid 10

A room for waiting. Hence the name "waiting room".

2's comment could be shortened to "why the hell would anyone have a gun" and it would still make sense.

MindFreakazoid 10

You're so welcome, 34!!! So. Welcome.

It's California. Stupid and epic things happen there.

Krajjan 9

Anyone else find this ironic it happened in a major gun control state? Who gives their kid a gun-like object in a part of the country where the word "gun" puts people into a panic?

88, their not "gun-like." Pump one up a hundred times, and you can kill someone if you hit the right spot.

Idk... A hole in my foot doesn't sound to pleasant...

Krajjan 9

102 - First of all, I somehow doubt it was a ridiculously premeditated use of a pump charged pellet rifle. You'd be far more efficient by using the receptionist's pen. Secondly, there's a fundamental difference between the actual and perceived dangers of a spring/CO2 powered BB gun and an intentionally lethal weapon. It's a gun like a panda is a bear. Though that gives me an idea for a badass comic book character. So skilled, he kills with a single pellet to the eye at long range.

115 - "It's a gun like a panda is a bear". So, it's a gun.

# 52 Why would some one have a gun lots of great reasons like hunting, competitive shooting and my personal favorite the ability to defend the life of a loved one from an illegal assault. That is just a few of the reasons to own firearms. Now as far as the kids parents go they should be held for criminal negligence breaking several laws to even get to the point ware their kid could shoot the foot of the victim.

MiGman 5

Ok 102 an air rifle can be a lethal weapon, it fires a lead pellet at a high velocity. As well if you shoot someone with one you can be charged as if it was an actual gunpowder weapon

If it didn't suck for OP then there would be no FML, so no shit it sucks.

Was it a hospital waiting room? That would be convenient.

I don't always let my kid shoot someone with a BB gun, but when I do, I always make sure it's in a hospital waiting room so they get immediate medical attention.

Maybe she was? I'm thinking she had cancer, because in California everything gives you cancer.

What a coincidence, 93. I just so happen to live in California and your comment gave me cancer.

damn_homie 2

Wtf?? Why does he have a BB gun in a waiting room?

Pfft you don't carry around a Red Ryder BB everywhere you go?

Nah, BC, but I do usually carry an M16 with me.

Well 41, at least OP didn't get his/her eye shot out.. Or the kid for that matter.

Aspen_Grace33 27

The waiting room nurses didn't say anything about the man having a BB gun prior to him shooting you? Or did it just happen that fast? Either way, fyl!

xXxIracebethxXx 14

Nurses? Not every waiting room is placed in a hospital. Just saying.

absolutelyrooted 5

He said practically, so I'm going to have to go with practically.

absolutelyrooted 5

If there was no actual hole only -practically- a hole then why post about it or why not say "some dude almost shot me".

Because he didn't "almost get shot", he really got shot.

Just...oh wow #8. If you want to be hyper technical there are many holes in OP foot that came from each and individual bb...

absolutelyrooted 5

His syntax is way off if that is what he meant.

absolutelyrooted 5

Honestly, it sounds like an over reaction with the way he has put it. That's why I asked if he actually had a hole or practically had a hole.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Why the hell did he bring a BB gun into a waiting room to begin with? That's just asking for trouble. Edit: Looks like everyone else is wondering that question as well haha.

Were you barefoot? If you weren't, I don't see how it would hurt that much.

A real BB gun and not an airsoft gun shoots metal pellets at you. It would still hurt pretty bad.

Well, because we don't know for sure and most people usually use the two terms interchangeably I just assume people mean airsoft gun. However, if it was a real BB gun then OP really would have a hole in their foot and not just the feeling.

Either would hurt if you were barefoot... But it's good to know people can argue anything.

tsent8 15

Where I come from there's a difference between a bb or pellet gun and an airsoft gun we shoot each other with airsoft guns not pellet

Krajjan 9

CO2 and pump pellet weapons will put a hole in you and are pretty close to, if not exactly, rifle caliber. They're used primarily for small game hunting, so yeah, pretty powerful. However, I'm not sure i can see someone bringing a hunting rifle to a waiting room, so one would assume it was a pistol. When I was shot with a spring-fired pistol, it stung like hell but didn't break the skin. The CO2 pistol, however, lodged it semi-firmly in my skin. So yeah, "practically" a hole. Please note I did not willingly submit to being shot and tried to avoid it. I had very cruel and well-armed cousins growing up.

tsent8 15

^^^ that about sums it up spring loaded/airsoft =good Co2/bb = bad